Author: Markus Plangger
Aperture: 1.4
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Iso: 200
Copyright: CC-BY
Caption: Three photos on the same escalator, justg different exposure time, During post proseccing adjustment on exposure, but not to equal exposures do keep some details
Author: Markus Plangger
Aperture: 11
Camera: X-T3
Caption: Just a test, 6 pictures, same motiv, a green leaf with rain drops, on gray day with flat light.
Dark shadows to the right is the next leaf
Iso: 800
Author: Markus Plangger
Aperture: 5
Camera: X-T3
Caption: Frozen in time, a small thin metal fence after a stormy night, it's all frozen water, icy and cold, slowly melting in the sun.
Also an rahter unusal combo, Fuji X-T3 and a Canon 70-200. But it works fine
Iso: 400
Author: Markus Plangger
Aperture: 2.8
Camera: X-T3
Caption: Everyting said, its cold, ist frosty, its foggy, the floor i frozen, no snow yet.
And the dog, she is ahead
Iso: 320
Author: Markus Plangger
Aperture: 2.8
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Iso: 1000
Copyright: CC-BY
Author: Markus Plangger
Aperture: 4
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Caption: and the others are watching
Iso: 200
Copyright: CC-BY
Author: Markus Plangger
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Caption: Behind a Boats waves an E-Surfer
Iso: 100
Copyright: CC-BY
Author: Markus Plangger
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Caption: Pfarrgemeinde St. Joseph, Tutzing mit zwei markanten Zwiebeltürmen mit Kugelspitz und Doppelkreuz
Iso: 200
Copyright: CC-BY
Author: Markus Plangger
Aperture: 8
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Iso: 200
Copyright: CC-BY
Orientation: 1
Author: Markus Plangger
Aperture: 5.6
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Caption: Fun and relaxed, two differend sets, one with Bounce wall from California Sunbounce from below before a dark background, one against a whie wall with single Striplight and Studio flasch
Iso: 200
Copyright: CC-BY
Orientation: 1